Friday, June 27, 2014

How to Be a Serial Killer Review

What an odd title for a movie right? Well it is an appropriate title for this film. This is the kind of shit I find when I'm bored and wandering around on Netflix.
Some nerdy douchebag hates his life and his job working for a video rental place (Do you even remember those?). Anyway one night there's a particular fucker in there being a real asshole to him and a regular customer of the place asks what the loser would do to this asshat given there was no consequences. This quickly escalates to the regular customer ending up pulling out a gun and shooting the asshole dead. He then takes on the miserable video store worker as an apprentice to teach him, how to be a serial killer. Yup that's the premise. Seriously.

This story however is intercut with info-mercial style segments of what would be some sort of dvd where the guy goes over aspects of killing people; things like which weapons to use, which victims to pick, and how to dispose of a body.

The killer (played by Mike Wilson) has a very strange view of things, which I guess is to be suspected seeings as the guy is not even just a serial killer, but a serial killer who wants to teach an up and coming young lad in the arts of murder. But what I mean by this is he sees himself as a good guy. He has a wife he treats well and at one point even berates his apprentice into giving money to a homeless man.

So is the film any good? Well...... not really. That's not to say it's bad. I think it's a decent film, but I do feel like this could have been done up to be more interesting than it is. It's certainly a good enough premise to base a movie on, but I feel like the execution falls short here. Script is forgettable and while I think Mike Wilson does a good killer, Matthew Gubler (the actor playing the apprentice, Bart) makes the apprentice out to be a worthless whiny beaten-down piece of shit who I just can't relate to or care about in the slightest.

That being said if you're bored it's worth watching just for the core conept alone and it's not awful.

6 lessons in murder out of 10

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