Thursday, January 3, 2013


So I am back. I keep having some kind of fallout from this thing every year, but I am back. For how long/how many posts I have no idea, inevitably it will most likely happen again. I do know though, that I have a public service announcement. GO FIND LOOPER. This movie is by far one of the top two movies that I have seen this year. The only other one that is in it's league is The Dark Knight Rises. And that's it. Now I will get on with this review. 

First, we're gonna run through the plot. The film is set in 2044. Time travel is not yet invented, but 30 years into the films future it will be. It is outlawed immediately afterwards and then is of course, used by only the largest criminal organizations. They use it to send people they want to get rid of back in time, so that way it as though they never existed. This is a good idea for criminals I would say. Regardless, they send these people back because there are hitmen called (loopers) there waiting to kill them. After awhile and if they are still alive, the criminal organizations find the loopers' 30 year older self and send them to be killed. "This is called closing your loop." The protagonist is caught in a bad situation when his loop comes back and escapes. Anyways, without giving too much away, I can say there are some really awesome plays going on with this movie that evolve around time travel. This would be expected in a movie that is well, about time travel.
There are many good things about this film, and these things are so good that they greatly outweigh the few things that I can nitpick. So I'm going to tell you what Rian Johnson (writer/director) does wrong, and then tell you everything he does right. So here we go. Selling this movie as an action movie is completely wrong. The trailer makes this look and feel like an action movie while it is actually a Sci-Fi film through and through. The second thing that I can think of is the action scenes could have used some work. They get a little muddled and sometimes seem a bit cheesy. Thirdly, the worst flaw. The story CAN (again can) be hard to understand. If you pay little attention.
On with the good?
Yeah, I think that is acceptable. The story line is intricate and obviously well thought out. It was sold in the previews and trailers as a high action fast paced movie when, well, it's not. And that most likely is what hurt it in the box office (yes, I'm doing that again.) but it's also what makes this such an amazing movie. It's pure science fiction, and damned good science fiction, yet it's so much more than that. It's emotionally involving and it has many, many, many moving parts that make the story telling thing that most movies would envy, from any genre. Each character's motives are clear which is great. The acting was also top-fucking-notch. Bruce Willis is well, bad ass as usual. Do you ever get anything else from him? I'm glad he is going to begin starring in more things again, although his character should make most parents/older siblings feel a bit, uneasy. Emily Blunt completely plays he part amazingly. I'm not even going to get started on the little kid cause yeah... most kids throw tantrums... he uh, well.... anyways. Joseph Gordon-Levitt.... well he delivers yet another amazing performance. This guy was every in 2012 and each one was better than the last. He totally sells being Bruce Willis. His goal wasn't to be a younger Willis, it was to convince the audience they were the same person and he does without question. So not only act great, but to act as someone else and act good as them... now that's good. 

I give Looper 10 closed loops out of 10

Also, gotta love those voice over monologues 

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