So as with End of Watch, I saw this shit pop up on Netflix and decided to try it out. For those of you who have never heard of this movie, I'm not surprised. It's actually a Norwegian film. The whole thing isn't even in English, which means I had to read subtitles, and if you chose to watch it you will as well, unless of course you can understand the language used.
Main character is a man named Roger Brown, winner of the least interesting name ever competition for five years running, though I hear Blandy McBlanderson is giving him a run for his money this year. Anyway, Roger is living the high life with Diana, the epitome of a trophy wife. Roger is spoiling her rotten with his wealth, only problem is, he isn't rich. He claims to live from an inheritance, but in truth he lives his lifestyle by being an art thief. Things go off the rails for him when he steals art from the wrong person. This wrong before being Clas Greve. Clas is some sort of strange ex-military/tracker/hitman individual and you may have guessed he doesn't take kindly to his priceless painting being taken from him. He decides the only proper thing to do would be to find Brown, and fucking murder him.
Alright, so unlike my last couple movie talks, I don't actually have anything major to complain about here. Now don't take that the wrong way, I'm not saying this movie is flawless or it's the greatest thing ever. All I meant to say by that was, I don't see any big fuck ups from the team behind the film. The only complaint I have I mentioned at the beginning; I don't like reading subtitles. Aside from this, I don't have any real criticism. However the issue is I don't really have all that much praise to give to the movie either. Nothing all that good nothing all that bad.
The film ranks for me as okay. Certainly not bad, but not great or particularly note worthy in any meaningful way. I do like how the film ends. It's predictable (fucking spoilers the "good" guy wins) but still plays out in a way I found to be enjoyable with the main character demonstrating his true talent of playing people. But yeah, it's alright, if you've got nothing better to do you might give it a go.
6.5 priceless works of art out of 10
Main character is a man named Roger Brown, winner of the least interesting name ever competition for five years running, though I hear Blandy McBlanderson is giving him a run for his money this year. Anyway, Roger is living the high life with Diana, the epitome of a trophy wife. Roger is spoiling her rotten with his wealth, only problem is, he isn't rich. He claims to live from an inheritance, but in truth he lives his lifestyle by being an art thief. Things go off the rails for him when he steals art from the wrong person. This wrong before being Clas Greve. Clas is some sort of strange ex-military/tracker/hitman individual and you may have guessed he doesn't take kindly to his priceless painting being taken from him. He decides the only proper thing to do would be to find Brown, and fucking murder him.
Alright, so unlike my last couple movie talks, I don't actually have anything major to complain about here. Now don't take that the wrong way, I'm not saying this movie is flawless or it's the greatest thing ever. All I meant to say by that was, I don't see any big fuck ups from the team behind the film. The only complaint I have I mentioned at the beginning; I don't like reading subtitles. Aside from this, I don't have any real criticism. However the issue is I don't really have all that much praise to give to the movie either. Nothing all that good nothing all that bad.
The film ranks for me as okay. Certainly not bad, but not great or particularly note worthy in any meaningful way. I do like how the film ends. It's predictable (fucking spoilers the "good" guy wins) but still plays out in a way I found to be enjoyable with the main character demonstrating his true talent of playing people. But yeah, it's alright, if you've got nothing better to do you might give it a go.
6.5 priceless works of art out of 10