Monday, October 20, 2014

Arrow Review

So I recently started watching this show. And while I haven't seen all of it that there is yet, I feel like I've seen enough to know how I feel about it. It's fuckin cool.

So the basic premise here is that the fellow there front and center is a billionaire named Oliver Queen. One day Oliver leaves to go on a cruise for a while with his dad, his girlfriend's sister (you dog), and at least one other guy who.... I'm not sure who it was. Things don't go quite as planned and the boat ends up sinking. Oliver winds up drifting to an island where he remains for five years before finally being rescued by a passing boat.

However, he doesn't come back to his home quite the same as he left it. He comes back harder, and with a mission. His father game him a book with a list of names of people in the city. The people in this book are not good people and Oliver has sworn a vow to take them down and revive his city from the poor state it's been in as a result of them.

In order to do this he covers himself in his green outfit seen above and begins hunting down the people in his list, literally crossing them off one at a time.

I feel like I already gave this away, but I like it. And it's not just cause he shares my fondness for this color. I do think it's very well made. I like the characters. Oliver/hood is played with with the character doing a very good job of being both a billionaire playboy and a violent vigilante hellbent on taking down everyone who is hurting his city. Unable to do everything by him he does a sort of sidekick-esq individual. This person is Mr. Diggle (left of Oliver in the picture) often referred to as "Dig" or "Digs". Diggle was originally hired to be Oliver's bodyguard, and quit before coming back to do something sort of similar but much more dangerous. Oliver's younger sister, best friend, and the ex-girlfriend who he cheated on also play important roles (respectively far left, right, and far right.) As with most shows more characters do show up and become relevant as you get further into the show. I suppose one mild criticism I have is that some of the villains are sort of bland and illogical and almost unrealistic in their behavior. Sort of like stock characters, villainous just for the sake of having someone villainous for Oliver to fight. Though even the episodes with such enemies are good. Some of the villains are interesting though; I do quite like the one who intentionally hired 25 goons, because he knew that Oliver carried 24 arrows with him when he put on his outfit.

One more thing I do feel like is worth bringing up is that the show does have a tendency to jump around a lot. Often there will be two of three events occurring at once, (or one or two current events and a flashback) all of them being interwoven with a clip of one then another then another. So if you really hate it when shows do that, you're probably not gonna like this show. Personally I don't care.

The one thing that shows like to do that pisses me off the most are super needless flashbacks. Like you'll see a guy walking down the street for a minute. Then it will flash to six months ago and the guy will be like, burying a body. Then it'll cut back to him walking down the street and the guy he buried shows up. And I'm always like... why the fuck was the first minute of him walking down the street important? It fucking didn't need to be there. There was zero point for that. Could have started with him burying the guy then said six months later, would have been the same information presented far less stupidly. But I digress.

The third season just started recently so you can watch it if you would like, alternatively if you have Netflix the first 2 seasons are available there, which is where I've been watching it. It is one of those shows that you could probably watch any random episode and not be too horribly confused, but I personally always prefer to watch things from the start like you're supposed to. And there are plot lines that run for multiple episodes and characters that come and go so if you have seen everything up to that point then you'll be assured to have the proper history, though the "previously on Arrow" bit will usually mention the super important things that you need to know for the episode.

All in all I like it I think it's pretty good. If it sounds interesting definitely give it a try, even if super hero stuff isn't your jam you might try checking it out, and if you think that goody two shoes heroes are lame, Oliver is not a goody two shoes by any means. He is violent, he is mean, the show can be in your face, and people do die. And none too rarely either.

9 arrows planted into hearts out of 10

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