1. Gopher
So this guy isn't for everyone. Gopher takes things slowly and often times in a non-optimal fashion. And lots of people seem to get really fucking angry if someone does anything in any way less than the best possible way ever. Because all YouTube comments are 100% perfect at everything they ever do right? Right? Of course they are.
Gopher is most well known for his Skyrim content, in particular his "Skyrim Mod Sanctuary" which is a series he does with fair regularity. If you couldn't guess based upon the name, the series talks about available mods for Skyrim. And to his credit he always explains to you how to install the mods if you're interested in them. Seriously all the credit I can give to this guy for that. I wouldn't have modded Skyrim or Fallout: NV without him, and I totally love my mods for both of those games. So yeah if you wanan know how to mod those games, but don't think you're up the task yourself (which is totally fine, no need to feel stupid for it) he has lots of helpful videos.
In addition to teaching you how to mod games he also does let's plays of games. Primarily he does RPGs which is probably unsurprising. He's played two different characters in Skyrim, a playthrough of Fallout 3, one of Fallout:NV (Currently still on going), and he's recently started a playthrough of the new Wasteland 2. And these RPG playthoughs often lead him to do things in a way that isn't always 100% optimal for his character. This often happens when he's doing some roleplaying and does something that he either doesn't know isn't the best thing, or does something he knows isn't the best but is what the character would do. Or of course there exists the possibility that he just does something for fun, cause ya know he's playing a game, a thing (usually) with the main, if not only, purpose of being fun. In addition the RPGs Gopher also tends to like horror and horror-esq games. He's played both Amnesia games, Outlast, and both Metro games.
Recently-ish Gopher has also began streaming games and him modding games on Twitch. He streams Fridays, I believe Sundays, and I wanna say Tuesdays but don't quote me on that. Thankfully Gopher understands that not everyone can always make the streams so he uploads VODs of (I believe) everything he streams. The primary game he streams at the moment is XCOM. He's currently trying to fight his way through the mean ass long war mod for that game. However, if you hate XCOM don't fret. He does stream other stuff too.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/GophersVids
YouTube livestream VODs: https://www.youtube.com/user/GopherLiveVids
Twitch page where he streams: http://www.twitch.tv/gophergaming
2. Northernlion
Northernlion has the largest channel of the people I'm gonna talk about. Northernlion is at this point probably still most well known for being the The Binding of Isaac guy on YouTube. That game (and a much smaller bump earlier on from super meat boy) has made his channel. And I'm cool with that. He in fact still makes videos of it almost every single day. He's almost 1000 episode deep into his lets play at this point, and is in fact currently doing two series of it. One of the current release of the game, and one series of the community remix mod for it.
In addition to his Issac content he also does play other games. He's currently doing a series on Prison Architect that I've been enjoying immensely despite his constant mis-steps. He's also doing a series of Europe Universalis 4 with three other guys. He also has a series of Gauntlet that he's doing with a couple of other guys. He also frequently will do "let's look at"s of games. These are exactly what you'd expect something called "let's look at" to be. He discusses a newly released game going over it's core concept so you can see if you're interested in it or not.
Now one thing about NL is that he's very much so not a pro at the games he plays. Even Issac which he's been playing for literally years, he still isn't perfect at. So again, if you're one of those people who is gonna get really super fuckin pissed off at the person playing the game not being the best person ever, then you probably won't wanna watch it. Of course if you are one of those people then you're probably just mad all the time at everything. Sounds shitty. Ever considered not being needlessly pissed off at someone on the internet playing a game to entertain you for free? Just a thought.
NL also does stream on Twitch. He does a show called the Northernlion live super show (or NLSS) three times a week; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. He also streams games on Sunday where he plays with his subscribers. The NLSS will usually have Nick (aka RockLeeSmile) on it as well and the two make a good pair. Occasionally other people will be on stream as well. The VODs from this are uploaded onto NL's YouTube channel a few days after the show and I always enjoy watching them.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Northernlion
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Northernlion
3. Baer (Yes that's spelled like that)
Hey look all the people I'm talking about are animal themed personas. No that wasn't planned. It just worked out that way. In truth the only one of them who even really acknowledges his animalistic name is Baer.
So Baer does lots of let's plays. He's currently running series on Cook, Serve, Delicious!, The Long Dark, Lethal League, and Nuclear Throne. The only one of these I'm not keeping up with is The Long Dark, just cause I don't really care for that game.
Like the other people I discussed Baer also streams on Twitch. He streams.... all the fuckin time. Seriously dude streams a lot. I don't actually watch his streams. Not that I have anything against them, but I just really don't go actually go on Twitch much. Though I have been watching Guardsmanbob stream Hearthstone a fair bit recently, but that's really just cause Ive been sort of obsessed with Heartstone and his stream is the most pleasant and reliable for that game. And the dude has nice music choices. Sorry, meant to be talking about Baer.
Yeah Bear's definitely a cool dude and he does cool stuff. I've been seriously enjoying his Cook, Serve, Delicious! stuff despite the fact I feel like I really wouldn't like to play that game.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BaerTaffy
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/baertaffy
So those are my top 3 favorite YouTubers currently. There are other people I do watch but these three certainly have my attention held the best.
Oh and if anybody was wondering wtf ASMR was from earlier I suppose I can explain that real quick. It stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. Now those are a bunch of big words that essentially mean a pleasant tingling feeling felt in the scalp or upper back. I don't tend to get those tingles very often but I watch these videos for relaxation and to help me sleep sometimes. It's a thing that if you'd explained it to me a couple years ago I would have thought was super bizarre but I now enjoy quite thoroughly. Might be worth looking into sometime if you're interested. Maybe it won't be for you, but maybe it will. What have you got to lose?
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