So this is one of those games I got cause I saw it on sale super cheap. I got this for 50 cents, and that's the price range where it's really easy to get me to make an impulse purchase.
Now let's be up front about this, this game is a mobile port. But, this game is an acceptable mobile port. Standard price is $5 and there are no micro-transactions in the game, so I'm okay with this port.
There's no story to speak of so if you like a deep engaging narrative you might not grab this. The gameplay involves controlling, literally, a conga line of heroes. It's snake, albeit with a good does of added flair.. That's what it is and the game does fully acknowledge this. They ask you if you remember snake in the tutorial. You run around a small area dodging enemies and walls because if the lead hero should collide with either your game is over. If anyone who is not at the end of the line is collided with, either by an enemy or in fact by the lead hero, that person will die instantly regardless of health. Colliding with your own guys does not result in a game over, but is still very very bad, cause you'll lose a bunch of guys and seriously hurt your combat potential.
So, if you're not allowed to touch the enemies, how is it that you're meant to kill them? Good question. Each of the heroes has a particular attack. Some swing various melee weapons, there's an archer, a guy with a gun, a couple mages, and others. All of these attacks have a range and an area of effect. When any of the bunch of heroes is in a position that their attack might be capable of hurting an enemy, they will attack automatically. So combat mainly involves of running past enemies and doing a sort of drive by style hit on them, or running at them headlong then turning the fuck around and running away before you actually hit them, trying to get as close as possible to T-boning them, so all your guys have a chance of hitting, without actually doing so, because that would kill you.
It's very simple, but it's very much so not easy. At any point you are capable of dying instantly. If anything should collide with you leader, the game is over. In addition to this, you do have to worry about being whittled done and bled out. And even if you aren't, you still have to kill the enemies as that is how you progress. Kill enough guys on a stage and you move to the next stage.
There are a few power-ups that will drop randomly from guys you kill. There's a temporary attack speed increase, a healing potion, a magnet (draws in money), a bomb (explodes and kills nearby guys), a shield, and a magic spell that will temporarily freeze all enemies. Unlocked heroes will also sometimes be dropped and passing over them will add them to your conga line. Your conga line always has the capacity limit of all the heroes you have unlocked allowing you to have one of each at any given moment. There are 16 playable heroes.
Heroes do gain experience as you get kills whit them. Each hero can level up three times each time gaining a passive buff to their combat prowess. I believe these buffs are still in effect even if the hero is not the leader of the conga line, but I'm not 100% sure of that. Though Gizmo's 3rd buff would be really useless if it only worked with him being the leader. His third buff is explode on death. This would highly suggest that buffs work for the characters even if you aren't playing them, seeings as that buff would be totally fucking useless if you were playing Gizmo.
There is a neat little arena mode, where in you can play once daily and get to enter in a clan name when you do. So you and all your friends can fight to have the best clan of the day.
I'm having a lot of fun with this. Is deceptively simple, but it's not fuckin easy. I look forward to fighting my way through the levels and unlocking the rest of the heroes so I can play as all of them. My current favorite is Gizmo with his bomb attack. Decent range and damage, and lovely area of effect on the explosion. I'm interested to see if anyone will claim that spot.
Gameplay: 9 out of 10
Story: N/A
Visuals: 8 out of 10
Audio: 7 out of 10
Overall: 8.5 tiny hidden buttons out of 10
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