Thursday, January 1, 2015

Green's Top 5 Games Of 2014

Happy New Years!

Alright so little baby earth is getting another year older and people really like to summarize things at around this point and lie to themselves about getting in shape. 

First things first, I'm the realest. Second, drop this and let the whole world feel it. Third, I want to start by talking about a bunch of games I haven't played to point out why these aren't here (not that they would be if I had played them) So then games I missed; Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor, Destiny, Ass Creed Unity, Bayonetta 2, Shovel Knight (Though I got that in the steam sale and intend to play it soon), COD: Advanced Warfare, Dark Souls 2, Wasteland 2 (Though fuck that looks awesome) Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Far Cry 4. Fuck, what did I play this year? Well to be honest, not fuckin much cause I rarely get excited anymore about new games. It's gotten very very easy for me to not buy a game. I have no consoles worth mentioning (Well save one that is important for the things on this list), and my PC isn't amazing so that somewhat limits me but really I don't feel like I'm missing out. There were very few games I wanted to play this year, and I played them (save wasteland 2). Call me cynical but I didn't really want to play most of those games I mentioned.

#5 FTL: Advanced Edition

I fucking forgot this came out this year cause it was early in the year, but I do love FTL and the release of AE got me playing it again and it was very cool. I love the new race and the pile of new ships added. Hard mode was also implemented just in case the normal adventure wasn't punishing enough. This game is very fun and if you haven't tried it I highly recommend it, $10 very well spent.

#4 Super Smash Bros 4? SSB Wii U? SSB 3DS? SSB fuck subtitles?

Okay so I played the 3DS version, cause A. It came out first (Staggered release of the same game was not a great idea nintendo) and B. I don't own a Wii U. I played Smash bros on the gamecube, and on the Wii, and loved both of those, so when I heard there was a new one coming out, damn I wanted it. I picked this up, and after I got used to handling it with my 3DS and not a controller, I loved it. There was of course the angry swearing at my friends as we fought one another. My one gripe with the game is that a disappointing number of characters are just copies of another character. Pit and Dark Pit, Link and Toon Link, Marth and Lucina. Are Cpt. Falcon and Ganandorf still very similar? I honestly haven't played those characters enough to know. I also feel like making Sheik and Zero suit Samus stand alone characters is just a cute way to pretend they added more people without doing any real work.

3. Poke'mon ORAS

FUCK YES! Gen 3 was always my favorite gen and damn Nintendo did right by it. It's so good. Everything I loved is still there, and it's cleaned up with the nice new paint. It's just fucking great. If you like poke'mon, and you somehow haven't played this, Fix that shit. Hmmmm Idea, I was considering trying out a Nuzzlock run on the second packet. I played through Sapphire already and haven't really touched Ruby. Maybe I'll do that and tell you guys about my progress. Maybe not. If that interests you leave a comment or tweet me. For those wondering I found a shiny Corpish, I think that was the only colored I ran into while going through it.

2. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

In much the same way that Poke'mon ORAS is, this is what a remake should be. It's bigger in better than the original in every fucking way. The really interesting this is, Rebirth wouldn't exist is it didn't need to. They would have just kept releasing more content for the original, but essentially the original version of Isaac is like 28 pounds stuffed into a 5 pound sack. That game is seriously bursting at the seams with all the shit going on that they couldn't work with anymore because it was made in flash. So they remade it with a new engine and a new art style and it's fucking awesome and I love it. Big props to everyone behind this shit.

Game of the year: Hearthstone

Now this was a serious toss up between this and Isaac and it's really only one over the other because it needs to be for the list format. Heartstone was officially released this year, and I love it. I played it first months ago, I guess probably around when it was released, and then actually stopped playing until Naxxramas. And I'm glad that Naxx happened cause it got me back into something I love and then GVG came out, a big expansion for it with a fuck ton of new cards that seriously changed up the meta in a lot of ways. Heartstone is super fun and I do love playing it. The reason It hink I love it so much, is that for a free game it's actually a lot more deep and complex that you might expect or than it looks.

 I love how in depth the deck crafting can be and one thing that's super nice about it is that it isn't phased like magic. I'm not spitting on magic, I like magic. I played a handful of the magic video games (thankfully not the new one) 2011-2013 I believe and while those were very fun, I do kinda hate the very segmented, rigid system of it. Draw phase, upkeep phase, untap phase, main phase, attack phase, main phase 2, end phase. Heartstone tosses all that shit out the window and says, it's your turn do what you want to do in whatever order you want, and in fact this adds lots of depth if you have a couple minions on the field and you have say three cards you wanna play, that's 5 actions which if re-organized can sometimes have seriously different effects. Maybe I want to attack with a weaker minion first and let him die before playing a card that would buff a random minon, that buff now lands on my stronger guy since the weaker one died, then I use the buffed stronger minion to attack someone else that he can now kill. That's one simple example that in fact only involves three cards, not the five I mentioned. There are lots of times where I'm looking at my hand and thinking about the exact right way to play things out and it's awesome that Hearthstone is set up in such a way as to allow it. 

And it's a simple difference but I also really like choosing who I attack versus saying I'm going to attack with this guy. Though it's curious to me if that decision was made because they thought it would be more fun, or because they wanted to try and make the system faster by eliminating the time of involving both people in choosing who gets hit by what. Either way, I like that and pretty much everything about Hearthstone. It is a little bit pay to win ish, but I haven't spent a cent (that's a policy of mine. If the game says free on the tin, it will be) and I'm doing alright with it. And spending all the money in the world doesn't help you with the arena. The one thing I'd like to see happen is mages get nerfed a bit to not be so fucking OP. That would be cool.

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