Monday, June 4, 2012


Sorry about not posting anything Friday, that was a bit of a fail. I do have a valid excuse though, I'm too damn busy playing Final Fantasy XIII-2!!!!! Well really in all seriousness there really wasn't anything that came out that was really, well, good. Or even decent. And after listening to 3's I really don't want to listen to another shitty album. And oh look, someone thinks I'm a moron! Well that's all good and well because I don't care what that person thinks. If they want to listen to shitty music that's their problem, not mine. Also, remember that each one of these reviews is done on a one listen run though unless noted otherwise. But yeah, really, this week was terrible week for releases and next week will hopefully be a bit better I already know what two are coming. Wednesday is going to be The Rocket Summer's Life Will Write the Words and and either The Hives' Lex Hives or Cody Simpsons' Paradise, but definitely The Rocket Summers album, the three track preview they put out is decent...... If you'll excuse me though..... I'm gonna go back to Final Fantasy XIII-2......... 

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