Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Call of Duty: Ghosts

Call of Duty: Ghosts
Release Date: November 15th, 2013
Developer: Infinity Ward
System Used: PS4

Call of duty ghosts box art.jpg

First off... God damn this is a good game. I mean it isn't all that different from any of the Call of Duty games that are out there. The mechanics are the same, the guns do relatively the same stuff, and the explosions all seem relatively the same as they were before. It's kind of the same Call of Duty that I began to hate shortly after I got to fifth (or something) prestige on Modern Warfare 2. I really liked that game. But anyways, I only picked a copy of Ghosts because it came basically free with my Playstation 4 bundle and I really don't want to spend $60 on another game until Destiny, The Order, or Madden 15 come out. So, this one one was picked. Aaaaaaand despite my full will to dislike what the franchise has become I actually really liked it. A lot. Well, for the most part. So lets get moving along with what was good and was not good, mildly glancing over the plot because like all CoD games it's rarely talked about. We'll follow that trend here because.... well I don't really want to talk about it. 

The pros first. Easiest one is obviously the campaign. There are so many things that are good about this campaign. The story is meh, like a lot of others, but the gameplay in a lot of games goes much farther just the mechanics. The aesthetics and the game's ability to immerse you in it is something that really makes it worth playing. The mechanics have never been bad per se in the franchise they have just grown tired to me. My extended break probably helped a bit, but what I really liked about this game was the fucking way the story sucked me in. I mean, seriously, it was pretty unexpected all the random stuff that was thrown into the game. It was totally unrealistic in every sense of the word, but still pretty fucking awesome. You get to fight a mission that for most of it you are propelling yourself down the side of the building and capping motherfuckers in the face. Another that takes place completely underwater, one where you sneak into an enemy base wearing the other teams uniforms and cause havoc and then just walk the fuck out. There's another mission that is completely under fucking water. And finally, there is a mission in. Outer. Fucking. Space. Yeah, outer space. Really not all that realistic, but suuuuper fucking awesome. When I was playing through these it really made me want to keep playing. And well, I did. I got through the game in two very lengthy and very long sessions. They made it extremely worth playing and made me want to play it again which is kind of exactly what I did the next day on veteran. It's fucking tough, but I'll finish soon. 

Moving onto the cons in the game will be just as simple to explain. And really, it is only one just as there is really only one pro. The multiplayer. Don't get me wrong, it's fun and that is what the game is supposed to be but that doesn't mean that there aren't glaring problems with it. Huge. Glaring. Steam roller problems. Steam roller you say? Yeah, that's what the multiplayer is, steamroller-y. Basically, once one person starts to get going, they don't stop. They keep going and they end up finishing the map 26 and 4. Happens a lot. And the reason for that is mostly because the dogs are fucking broken, and the choppers are even worse than they were before. Not a bigger problem than they used to be but still awful. 

Seriously though, fuck those dogs. 

Gameplay: 7 of 10
Story: 8 of 10
Audio: 8 of 10
Visuals: 8 of 10
Overall: 8 awesomely unrealistic missions of 10

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