So I went and saw this movie this weekend.
So in short, there's some super intelligent apes made so in the previous movie by a drug that was meant to be a cure for alzheimers. This same drug just so happened to kill off the vast vast majority of the human race and it's been ten years with that handsome fellow there, name of Caesar, leading a large group of apes in what has been a mostly peaceful life. Come to find out the obvious thing happened and once again people could just roll over and die. So some humans wander into the apes territory intent on using a damn there to generate power so the can use a radio to try and connect with any other surviving groups of mankind.
Neither side really has any reason to trust the other and members from both sides are leery as hell about the threat the others pose and rather predictably everybody is totally true to there word and everything goes off without a hitch and they all live happily ever after. Wait no..... that doesn't sound right. Oh yeah, of course everything goes tits up and both sides wind up thinking the other started a war they were all holding their breath for.
In short there's some apes and some humans, some uneasy tension, followed by the predictable (though admittedly well done) action scene. It's fine. Everything plays out more or less exactly the way you expect it to. Not to say that I have anything against the movie. I don't regret seeing it or want my money back or anything. I'm just left being not terribly impressed. The big action scene between the humans and apes winds up being just a touch silly when you see the second in command ape riding a horse holding a giant LMG in each hand blindly firing them at the humans.
But all in all I find it to be unoffensive but no overly impressive either. It's a fine way to spend a bit of time if you haven't got anything better to do but you won't be really missing anything if you skip it.
6 talking apes out of 10
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