Monday, July 14, 2014

The Lego Movie Review

I fucking loved legos as a kid and have actually been a fairly avid player of the games based upon them. I never played the Harry Potter lego games, but aside from that I've played at least one of all the different groups of them I think. Off the top of my head I've played: Starwars (1, 2, and complete), Indiana Jones, Batman, Marvel heros (2?), Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings.... probably some other ones I'm forgetting. You get the idea; lots of em.

So what's it about? Well there's this guy named President Business who rules the world and has carefully crafted an illusion of happiness that he forces his subjects to adhere to but, as there always is in such situations, there's a group of people not following the code. Come to find out that the Pres wants to glue all the legos into place so that everything stops changing and is eternally perfect because he hates disarray. The main character, Emmet, is supposedly the chosen hero who has found the magical artifact capable of stopping the impending apocalypse.... problem being he's basically a totally worthless nobody with no useful skills what so ever.... or is he?

I thought it was a good movie. There are some funny bits, and being an avid lego games played I do always enjoy seeing the neat ways people come up with using legos to try and create particular visual images. In that respect I think the movie does great. Almost everything is done with lego bits but it still looks good and there's never any confusion as to what's supposed to be what, or what's happening.

My one gripe that kept me from liking this movie more was the ending. Now it is a kids movie so I expected the cliche as fuck moral to be at the end of the movie (Fucking spoilers the end is that fun creativity is better than strict boring order) What I took issue with wasn't this, but..... how to say it without spoiling it.... The way they go about choosing to teach this moral is what I didn't care for. It's not awful or confusing I just didn't care for it personally. And there is one particular thing that happens that ends up being really kinda annoying when you think about it.

Yeah I didn't like the framing device of the whole thing being set up in the guys basement and the order vs. creativity clash being between him and his son. I thought it would have been served far better without this. But what really erks me is the scene where Emmet moves of his own volition. With the framing device, they've established that everything is happening because the son and father are controlling it and the pieces are not autonomous, but then Emmet moves on his own and is also totally autonomous.... cause ya know here's the reason for all this, but fuck the reason for all this! So that's annoying to me.

Long story short it's worth a watch if you don't mind the cliche that is inherent in a child movie the same way a romance subplot is inherent in every movie (yes including this one cause the kids don't get a pass on that shit either). I personally got a bit annoyed with a bit near the end but that may not be such a bother to everyone else.

8 lego batmans out of 10

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