Friday, May 25, 2012

Dark Souls Review

It is my firm belief every copy of dark souls should be sold with a collar for the player to wear whilst playing it cause this game will make you it’s bitch. Interested yet? Then read on.

Dark souls, for those of you who haven’t heard, is often remarked about, along with it spiritual predecessor demon’s souls, for being viciously difficult. This is quite true, though in all honesty not so much as is said once you learn the mechanics and equipment system. I don’t normally say this so blatantly but, if you own a PS3 and xbox360 or a PC capable of running it, since they are making a pc port, you should get this game. Dark souls is one of the best games I have every played in my life and it gives me a feeling of achievement I have gotten from no other game I can think of to this date. From the first time I managed to best capra (An early game boss that in my opinion is one of the four most challenging in the entire game) by myself all the way to beating the final boss Gwyn after several failed attempts I felt like such a badass each time I truly won and it continues to this day. Each bested invader and felled boss makes me grin cause it’s a fight every single time. Each time I walk into a boss fight, it’s with a degree of uncertainty, much less for some bosses than others, but even still walking into the tarus demon (The first real boss) I know I could die. In fact engaging an enemy you can die. Every enemy in dark souls can and will kill you given the chance. That’s not to say the entire game is maximum tension levels, the enemies have recognizable patterns and it does make it easy to avoid damage on most of the enemies if you do things properly, however that sense of ease is a double edged sword as if you get too complacent a small slip-up can be made and cost you your life. Another huge point in the game’s favor is the open world that is almost entirely devoid of loading screens. The game is entirely non-linear which is something that is becoming increasingly less common. Many game like to claim they are non-linear, dark souls actually is and I have often found a large degree of enjoyment out of seeing if I could tackle bosses that are meant to be later game enemies when I was clearly under-leveled and under-geared. It doesn’t always work out but it’s always a pleasure trying to best great grey wolf Sif after having just killed the bell gargoyles. For those of you not in the know, there are five plus areas and bosses of the game that one would face in between these bosses in a run of dark souls if you faced things in the ‘typical’ or what I assume was intended upon order. Ane that number goes up even more if you decided to do new londo ruins after tomb of the giants, crystal cave and lost izalith (The other three areas that become available when the player is ‘supposed to’ do that area of the game. Dark souls is hard without being unfair, once you get past the very very monstrous learning curve you can basically see your death coming each time before it does. I find it truly disappointing that games like dark souls that are unique, rewarding, and draw me to play it over and over again are under rated, but that whatever the newest call of duty is will undeniably have masses herald it as the coming of the fucking messiah and EA will say millions of copies by releasing madden (And every other sports franchise they do) again every single fucking year having simply shifted the players around and maybe touched of the graphics a tiny bit.

-Sighs.- Alright I’m pretty much through here. Dark souls is fan-fucking-tastic and I highly highly recommend it to you all. Definitely one of the best damn games I have ever played in my life and I honestly don’t see that title being taken from it any time soon. I shall continue to play it over and over with new and different builds.

Definitely one hundred percent 10 humanities wasted by being force miracled off a cliff by a cheap invader out of 10

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