Friday, May 25, 2012

Scheduling and Extra Credits.

First off, would just like to say again, I'm glad to be back and posting again. The hiatus was good for the soul but now I'm back and I'm serious. I will be posting two album reviews each week and they will be appearing at 8:00am every Monday and then Friday. I will do two albums that come out on the previous Tuesday hence the Born and Raised and coming Monday is 3's. The reason being for two is I love music so listening to two albums a week really isn't a big deal. As far as games go I'm not Yahtzee and reviewing them isn't my job so they might take me longer than a week and things like this can really occur whenever.

There's that. But speaking of Yahtzee and by extension the escapist...

This is news long overdo but still news that must be heard. The amazing mini series called Extra Credits has left the escapist. While this was very unfortunate because the escapist has many great shows and EC was one of them. I'm not going to get into a whole description about it but here's a link.
Anyways, despite this being a bad fallout, that doesn't mean that EC isn't a great show. In fact I will still support it and say go watch it at pennyarcade and then head back over to escapist for som Big Piture and Zero Punctuation (or vice versa, doesn't matter). But basically what EC does is they break down a certain thing about things that are usually related to gaming and they do it brilliantly. The head artist, Alice is amazing and the guy who writes them, James Portnow, is a very intelligent man. Ironically, the only person whose name I  can't think of off the top of my head is the only one who talks. But yes, if you haven't already, go discover the awesomeness that is Extra Credits.

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