Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Update on Final Fantasy XIII-2

So yeah. A while back I completely trashed talked Final Fantasy XIII and recently, I promised you would be getting a review of Final Fantasy XIII-2… I think I kind of lied. I do have the game…. And I have played some of it, but not anywhere close to a lot of it. I will try and finish it here soon but I can’t promise anything and I kind of have some good news as to why….. I am actually enjoying this one. Yeah, it still has the same shitty ass combat from XIII and it’s close to the fucking worst game of alls combat, X-2, but it is not that bad. Of course it’s just pressing one button but there are other aspects that they have fixed that make the game bearable.
1.      They kept the superb graphics. Does this make up for everything? No, but it does make the list of things that they kept that are good.
2.      They got rid of the one fucking corridor gameplay THANK THE LORD!!! They have towns and people and side missions and things to DO other than the damn mission. This makes me happy on the inside! 
3. Also, in the spirit of good things that have been changed for the better, a save whenever feature!!!!
4.      They made the storyline somewhat epic. The other was congested and semi hard to follow…. But this one is nowhere near as bad and makes it fun to play and continue on to see what’s going on.
5.      They kept Hope. I hated him until the end of XIII and then came to respect him as a character. Except for his haircut. I still have contempt for that hair cut and everything it represents.
6.      The soundtrack is amazing as always. Good aesthetics make stuff worthwhile sometimes.

Yeah, the list is not that big.... but they are still marked improvements and the linearity is a BIG deal. So yeah, much to my disappointment, I’m sorry I lied to you. I will not actually be posting a review of that in recent days but at some point over the next month…... maybe. I’ve taken to not finishing games and it really is a bad habit. I haven’t even finished Gears 3 yet and it is AMAZING or Skyrim which has become one of my favorite 360 games ever but do you really ever finish Skyrim? Just too caught up with all the side quests….. I could do SoulCaliber 5…. Well I guess we’ll see here in a bit.

I'm sure you already know, but I'm Blue here giving you my thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Eh whatever read if you want, don't if you don't want to.

P.S. Ignore the terrible formatting that went on here.... Don't know quite what happened.

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