Monday, January 27, 2014

Redemption Review

While looking for this image I came across other images which lead me to believe this movie may also be called hummingbird? Not sure what that's about, or if I'm just totally fucking wrong.

Jason McBadass Statham is a bum living on the streets hiding out because he's some ex-military deserter. One night some thugs come by his box and he beats them up and runs off breaking into the house of a rich man who is luckily away for the next few months. He assumes a new identity and begins working as new muscle for the local gang. He learns from a nun who hands out food to the homeless that his old box-mate/girlfriend/friend/some-girl-he-cares-about Isabel was found washed up on the riverbanks after being beaten to death by some guy she was servicing for money. He of course goes out looking for blood.

I decided to watch this movie almost entirely because of who the main actor is here and well, I was disappointed. For a Statham film this is actually pretty non-violent. Very little of this film consists of him beating people senseless and shooting guns as we've come to expect. For those of you expecting something similar, this is no Crank. Not by a long shot. The majority of the film focuses on his changing as a person as he gets a different view of the city from his new position and tires to help out his old fellow homeless people.

I went into this expected nothing to story heavy just some minor set up for Jason to start cracking skulls and ending lives like we know he does so well. That doesn't really happen. Over the course of the movie he beats up something like four people. Kills maybe two. Fires a gun a total of one time. I don't think this was a bad movie, I'm just not sure they picked the right lead for this script. I think Statham does okay with his role. I just feel like this isn't really his strong suit.

It's not a terrible movie, it's just not what I was expecting and for what it is it isn't done poorly, it's just also not done very well. Kinda just meanders around for a while before ending without a huge amount of resolution.

5 nuns out of 10

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