So I felt like crap when I woke up and decided to lay in bed all day and not do anything, and that means one thing; Netflix!
Plot Rundown:
Arnold, or his character Rey, is a small town sheriff all set up to enjoy a lazy weekend in his calm town, but of course, because he is Arnold fuckin Schwarzenegger in a movie, nothing can be simple. The FBI has some super smart, super deadly criminal and while being transferred to a prison he breaks the fuck out. His plan? Why go to Mexico of course. His route takes him through the small town in which our large friend here is the aforementioned sheriff. And as that photo up there says, “Not in his town” Rey don’t take no bullshit from nobody and he’s not about to let this con roll through his town and escape.
So of course everyone ends up shooting everyone else, the big finale being a shootout between the small police force of the city and the cons lackeys. Now this movie isn’t going to shatter your fucking world. You’ve probably seen at least a dozen different version of this movie before. Contrived reason for bad guys and good guys to be in the same location. Bad guys shoot at good guys. Good guys shoot at bad guys. Good guys win. And that’s not a spoiler, because you already knew that was gonna be the end of the movie.
As I said, this movie isn’t new or revolutionary. Nothing here is earth shattering or particularly though provoking. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. And here’s why; this movie knows what it’s here for. It’s not trying to be some new amazing film. It knows it’s an action movie and you’re watching it to see gun fights are car chases. And that’s exactly what you get. And what you do get is done very well. If you like action movies, you’d probably like this movie. It’s not a must see, but if you’re looking for something to watch, you could do much worse.
7.5 giant ass revolvers out of 10
On a side note, I used to use a scale like a teacher in that average was a C was 7/10. From this post forward average will be 5, things above 5 are good, things below are bad? Mmkay?
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