Friday, January 23, 2015

Atreyu - Congregation of the Damned

Music review time peoples! Yeah haven't done one of these in a while, well we're doing one now.

So this album is the newest album by Atreyu, technically newest is correct despite the fact it came out in 2009. Give me a break I only learned about it like two days ago. Yeah that's the one problem with putting all my music on my phone and listening to that in my car. Since I no longer listen to the radio, my opportunities to hear new music have been gimped significantly. 

So yeah anyway, this is the newest album, despite being half a decade old, because, like so many bands I used to listen to growing up, they have gone the way of the indefinite length hiatus that will almost certainly never end. I hate when bands do that.

Track Listing:
1. Stop! Before It's Too Late and We've Destroyed It All

2. Bleeding Is a Luxury
3. Congregation of the Damned
4. Coffin Nails
5. Black Days Begin
6. Gallows
7. Storm to Pass
8. You Were the King, Now You're Unconcious
9. Insatiable
10. So Wrong
11. Ravenous
12. Lonely
13. Wait for You
-------------Bonus Tracks-------------------
14. We Are the Living Dead
15. Bravery
16. Another Night (Wishing I Wasn't Here)

This was.... kinda disappointing. I was a fan of their previous album, Lead Sails, Paper Anchor, and this one is just not as good. Perhaps I'd like some of their earlier stuff more than this, I did like Ex's and Oh's from A Death-Grip On Yesterday. I find this is how I am with a lot of bands though, I like one or two albums then I kind of fall off with them eventually. That's been the case for a lot of bands, either that or they go on hiatus forever.

You either go on hiatus good, or live long enough to watch yourself become not so good.

If you don't understand that reference get out. No you can stay but seriously go watch the dark night batman trilogy.

This album felt a little heavier and more toward the metal style of music than a hard rock kind of thing. The singer also had the tone of a screamer, he wasn't screaming be he had that sort of style in his voice that people often have in scream-o metal music, and I personally do not care for that. If you do like that kind of thing then maybe this is more for you.

The best track on the album, and sadly the only one I have really any positive feelings for at all, is the namesake Congregation of the Damned, and even that one isn't particularly special. I honestly think I like it mostly on account of it being a bit more like their older stuff.

The one soft song, Wait for You, just winds up sounding very out place. The whole album is a fairly heavy rock/metal album with a guy who sounds like he could switch to screamo at any moment and then out of nowhere BAM soft song, and honestly, if I didn't know it was on this album I certainly wouldn't expect it, hell you could have told me that shit was from a different band and I'd have believed you.

5.5 bands on hiatus out of 10

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