Friday, August 3, 2012

Dressed to Kill by KISS

Yeah, this isn't what I said was coming next, but to better explain it, I need more time to write it. I'm trying to fully contemplate what I can say about it to make you understand it. So here's a throwback album, I chose KISS because I am about to see them in concert here soon. So here it is. 

Dressed to Kill by KISS
Released March 19, 1975
Label: Casablanca Records

Here we have one of my favorite albums of ALL-TIME. I mean really, who cares when it was put out, why they wore so much make-up, and that KISS gets almost no recognition from the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame (yeah, I'm calling those fuckers out, Guns N Roses + The Beastie Boys but no KISS. Terrible. A fucking disgrace.) it's still good. This really is timeless music with catchy rhythms, good vocals, and great instrumental parts. The thing that I probably like most about this album, and all of other KISS albums, is that they write it all themselves. They have one or two writing partners outside of the band, but that's it. Each track is written by Stanley, Simmons, and whoever is the drummer/lead guitarist at that point. Too many bands cave to the studio's demands these days and it's rather disappointing. Hell, look at what happen on Bieber's Believe when he had a little more control. It came out good, and trust me, I'm just as surprised about that as you. But anyways, he has no place here in a KISS post. On with a review. Not the new usual style. In fact, this one is going to be really short. There isn't a single bad track on this album. Really, there isn't and I don't want to waste my time breaking it down track by track. All the tracks are great and they each highlight every band member's abilities. Rock and Roll All Nite is a legitimate rock anthem that probably 98% of the Earth's population knows. The other 2% don't have access to media. They would probably even recognize it if you played it for them. But here's the tracklist. The best of the best are starred. 

Track List

1. Room Service
2. Two Timer
3.  Ladies in Waiting
4. Getaway*
5. Rock Bottom*
6. C'mon and Love Me
7. Anything for My Baby*
8. She*
9. Love Her All I Can*
10. Rock and Roll All Nite

10 rock legends out of 10
I didn't star Rock and Roll because while it is well known, I wanted to keep the stars down to five. It's in the bottom half of the album. Still great, but bottom half of here.

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