Friday, August 24, 2012

Status Update

Hey where the fuck is all the content on this blog?

There's supposed to be like two posts every week from Blue and two from Green as well as Green's monthly YouTube thing and Blue's box office shit.

But there's been nothing going up for a while now, what up with that?

We're here to explain what up with that.

Both of us are college students and are at this time starting up a new semester and have been busy preparing to do that. That is why there has been a recent lack of content. We sincerely apologize and would like to make it very clear that we have no intent to stop doing this.

However college is important and costly so that will be taking up a lot of the time that we previously had free so there will be some cutting back in content in that as opposed to two updates per week from both writers, now both of us will typically put out one post per week. Now this doesn't mean that two posts a week won't ever happen it just means that we don't want our readers expecting it and not getting that. Two posts, or perhaps even more, may happen from either of us if we happen to find the needed time to properly assess media and then write our thoughts about it down.

Speaking personally as Green, I have no plans of canceling my monthly series on YouTube, and I highly doubt Blue is going to cancel his box office series, dude is in love with movies. Like to an unhealthy degree.
I hate cutting back on content here and I am gonna try and find the time and put out consistent stuff, I'd like to say I'm still gonna do two posts a week, but I am gonna be in college and I will need to focus on that a lot. So I'm doing what I here. And Blue is too. We do care about this blog and we don't wanna see it die..... again. Seriously it was tough enough to reanimate once. Don't believe me? Try making a Frankenstein of a Frankenstein. It's fucking difficult okay.

So yeah, Colored Media is gonna end it's just gonna have a bit less stuff coming out than we did over the summer. Sorry, but it's just how things are.

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