Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lord of War

They say that I am the lord of war, but perhaps it is you.
I believe it's warlord
Thank you, but I prefer it my way

Nicholas Cage play Yuri Orlov, only he's not Yuri Orlov, a jewish, only he's not jewish, gun runner. You still with me? The dude lies. A lot. In fact the movie probably would have been called lore of lies, but then that quote would lose some significance.

Yrui Orlov stars starting as a nobody living in the lower end of town who decides he wants to sell guns. He get's his brother to agree to sell guns with him and they quickly become big hotshots supplying weapons to some significant parties for loads of cash. But of course that's not the whole story, you can't have two brother start selling guns to the world and have everything work out flawlessly for all parties involved, cause someone has to get shot with those guns. So yeah they start selling guns, fall in with unsavory crowds, Yuri's brother becomes a coke addict, and just in general while they both end up rich it's clear that selling guns only pays off in the dollar sense and largely ruins both Yuri's and his brother's lives.

Is it good. It's alright. It's not fantastic. But it's pretty decent. Maybe saying this will murder all my credibility as a movie critic, but I don't get why it is everyone seems to hate Nicholas Cage. I like him in both National Treasures I loved him in Bad lieutenant, and I think he does a pretty decent job here. So yeah if that makes you hate me then, oh well. Rant at me in the comments that'll make you feel better.

There's not too much for me to say here, its a movie about Yuri selling guns and how his job impacts his life and the lives of those around him. Most of the movie is Yuri talking with either one of the guys he's arranging a deal with or the cop trying to arrest him but repeatedly failing to do so. My favorite moments of the movie are when the cop gets right up to the point of catching Yuri and he quickly has to weasel out of the situation however he can mange to do so, such that he either is, or at least appears to be legal.

So consider this a half-hearted recommendation. If you really want a movie and can't find anything better then this movie is alright to throw on.

6.5 AK-47 pallets out of 10

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