Over the last 10 years Nintendo and Sony have released a total of 3 main handheld systems each with at least three versions of each. And probably more to come seeing as they just can't seem to get it right. Okay, that might not be a fair statement. The systems might be working in perfect order and be great, its just two days after the system is released the designers decide they could have added a camera to it. So they make a new one. Lets make a list shall we?
-GBA Micro
-DS Lite
-PSP - 2000
-PSP - 3000
-PSP Go (upcoming)
-Playstation Vita (upcoming)
So basically, what we have are are a few useless updates, a few ones that change the hardware, a few the actually change the system, and ONE that is a complete revamp, however "meh" and pointless a revamp it is. So, lets start with the easier and less infuriating company.
Sony PSP:
The PSP-2000 was released in 2007 on various dates during September. This remodel was completely pointless in every way. What Sony essentially did, was make it lighter, and slimmer. I have one of the original PSP's and there was no need for this. The system was small enough as it was and the material it was made out of was fine as well. When they made the 2000, they made the system lighter by changing the material to complete plastic. This made the system much less durable. Also, they reduced the battery capacity by 1/3. They did this as a money ploy simply because people stopped buying the PSP.
PSP-3000 came out only I year after the 2000. This remodel did nothing to the outside to fix the damage they had done with the 2000 but it did a few things to the inside. For one, it removed the inside metal therefore making the inside harder to damage. The internal memory was also upped along with the screen being much improved. All in all, this was a moderately usefull update to the PSP. But I'm sure they could have done this with the first PSP... so why didn't they?
PSP Go & Playstation Vita
The PSP Go was announced in June of 2009, only two years ago. A few months ago, Sony announced that they were going to stop development on the PSP Go to focus on developing their new project the Playstation Vita which would be the Playstation successor of sorts for the handheld department of Sony. They then continued to say that the PSP Go will still be release. Wait a minute, what the fuck? So they're stopping development on a project they started two years ago to make something else. Something better. Okay, that's fine. But then you're going to release the other one? The one that you're stopping development to do the better one for? I might be missing something here, and if I am, someone please explain it to me because I am thoroughly confused.
GBA Micro/SP
Nothing more to say here other then they're both useless. They merely reshaped the system but added nothing but a backlight to improve the performance of the system. And well, that's it.
I never had the original DS but I'm assuming that the shape was the only thing changed from that to the Lite. If not, I'm sorry I really don't follow Nintendo. I rather dislike Nintendo, a lot. Anyways, like I said before, I'm going to use the Lite as a start off point. So, look, I do like the renovations to the DS at this point. I like adding the camera, video, and everything else. What I don't like, is the fact that they got rid of the GBA compatibility. Its nice and the look stayed mostly the same, but it was available in blue which I like. The XL however, seems a bit worthless. It is the DSi which was okay, but why release an entire separate system for a larger screen? Wouldn't it cut costs to just make the larger screen system? No one would complain about that. But then again, Nintendo seems like they need to release as many handhelds as they do Marios. But they have a legit excuse. You can only have so my Marios on the GBA. Then you can only have so many Marios on the DS, and thus the 3DS was born.
I've played this for about 15 minutes total so I don't think I'm fit to judge this. I'm still going to though, because that's just me. The 3D was horrible, I could not see it properly even with adjusting the damn 3D switch for about 10 minutes. So I ended up just playing the damn thing in 2D which completely defeats the purpose of having the damn thing in the first place, right? Right, so that combined with the fact that it plays different games without a GBA slot in my opinion, makes this a useless system. And since it is its own system, I declare any remodels done to this will also be worthless. However, what else would Nintendo spend their money on? Another Mario? Nope, they're gonna do both.
Yes, there's a section for these slackers in a post about handhelds. Why? Because they don't have any. What have these guys been doing? Yes, the 360 is a great system and I'm sure it took a while, but if this is all you have been doing it should have less hardware problems. The system randomly scratches discs for no apparent reason and gets this nice little thing called the red ring of death that halts it from working. *Sigh* Look I know that Nintendo has been dominating the handhelds for a while, but I'm really sure that if you guys went and actually tried, you would have a chance. With the powerhouses that you have as far as exclusives you could rock the handheld with a mobile Gears and mobile Halo. I meany really, who will be able to compete with that? No one. You guys just have to get up off your ass and at least try.
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