Wednesday, July 6, 2011

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Review

Blue's Take:

This was the first LEGO game I played. I had heard they were good but I had no idea what to honestly expect. I had honestly chalked them up to "shut your mind off games" and moved on with my life. Then I saw how many of them there are. Indy, Batman, PoC, SW, and HP have all been Legoized and I liked all those series'. Green recommended this one to me so I went out and got it. I was by the end, pleasantly surprised. This game's level design is great and not confusing like some other games. The puzzles actually make you use the thing in your head called a brain for something other than the following though: "KILL EVERYTHING!!!" I love the way that Travellers Tales engages the player into making a strategy because each character has a different style of play. For some levels you need Jack, others you need cursed Jack and well... yes, you need Jack a lot. But he isn't the only character you need, the game is merely centered around him as it should be. The reason being is the game is broken up into the four actual movies, which mostly follow Jack. 

One thing to single out specifically, is the red hat feature. Thanks to a friends strategy, you can methodically have infinite money. Seriously, I have 3+ billion in studs with nothing to buy. I have bought all of the characters, and red hats and have a ridiculous pile of money. See, how these work, is they stack effects. There is a x2, x2, x4, x6, x8, and a x10 hat, or effect, rather. So, by the end, you're getting x7680 the money you normally would. So one silver coin (imagine if Bill Gates took his entire funds and walked around giving it to people in pennies, that's about how many silver coins the game gives out per level, maybe a little less) you get 76,800. Think about that.

This brings me to the last thing that I really have to say about this game which also happens to be the most brilliant part about it. The way that they decided to retell the story of the PoC. The fact that there was no dialogue was, what I thought, sure to bug me. But I was wrong, by replacing them with the grunts and gestures that are extremely exaggerated brings a sense of humor to the game I would never had expected from ANY video game. Really, with all these FPS games and all these protagonists that are all roided out freaks with faces you can't really tell the difference in emotion when there wife dies or when they are KILLING EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just glad to see that there are actually games out there that seem to have the time taken to make something special, not just another gung ho FPS. In short, I liked this game and chances are you will too.

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