For the last six months, I have been using gamefly. I have rented a total of 8 games that would have cost me a total of, lets say $160. If somhow magically they each cost only 20 bucks a pop. Instead, I have a one game membership from Gamefly that costs me $15.95 a month (I think, it's no more than $16). At that price for six months it is a total of $95.70. I saved at the least, 64 dollars again, this is which assuming each title was 20 bucks. I rented Two Worlds II, Vanquish, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, and Red Dead Redemption. Those four alone are $220 at the time of rent, but the other titles may have been around 20-25 because they were older titles (i.e. Alan Wake, Just Cause 2, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga). Even if the other four only totalled 80 bucks, thats 300 and it rasied my savings to at least 204 dollars. Two of these games I didn't like and I sent them back. Well whne you buy a new game and you don't really like it, you're kind of stuck with it and out 60-20 bucks. That was pretty much all I wanted to say about savings. I think that 204 is enough money saved without the exact cost of each game as opossed to the monthly membership. Onwards to the next part.
THE "GameQ":
Essentially, all those games you want to play, especially the ones you think will only be good once, but don't have the cash to shell out for them or you don't want to pay 60 bucks, you throw them on your GameQ. Then what happens is you list them in the order you want. The only flaw with this system is that the games have a availability rating. Available Now, High, Medium, Low, Very Low and they are based on percents of likeliness they'll be sent to you. So even this "x" is on the top of your Q, "y" has a higher availability and will most likely be sent instead. However, if all the games you want are on there, then it shouldn't be much of a problem right? I got Just Cause 2 from about halfway down my Q and liked it so much it's the only one I got from them. Also, one tactic is to remove all but the game you want from your Q. They will send it to you in about a week, even if it's Very Low availability.
This is a biggie. No one wants to get a service like this without knowing for sure if they won't constantly be sending games back to get a non-scratched copy of it. Well this has never happened to me and yes, I've only had out eight games, but they're have been 11 discs total. While there are a few scratches on these games it is nothing that makes them unplayable or even made it laggy at one point or another (To clarify, if you read my Final Fantasy XIII review and saw me talking about my circle scratched copy of Star Ocean, that was my own copy that I bought after renting this game for two weeks and only getting to the second disc The scratch's blame is all on my 360, not Gamefly.). So yes, 11 discs, all of them great so far.
The only way to relate this to you, is by me saying go browse it. Really, it takes no time at all and you don't ave to be a member. So, go to, move your cursor over the console you want at the top, then select a genre. Or, just use the search bar. Very uncomplicated and very simple to use. But from my point of view, I have not heard of a single game that you can buy for the main consoles that you can't rent from them.
In some post offices, Gamefly has their own thing called Fast Return. What this is, is that when you send a game back, the post office in your area may have a scanner that lets gamefly know that you're sending your game back. What Gamefly then oes, is send you the next one without recieving the first one beforehand. It's great but does seem a bit sparadic. For me, it happened with the first game I sent back, but with none following. Even without fast return, they get my games in about two days and I get new ones in about two days as well. 4 days = not bad.
They have a great system for users that plan on staying. Every three months you get 5 gamefly dollars. These are meant to be used for purchasing used games. They do not stack, but five dollars of a twenty dollar game you want to keep isn't bad. Then, when you become a a user for 6 months, they give you 5% off of all used game purchases in addition to the five dollars every three months. After a year, they give you 10% off of used game purchases. Yes, they are very centered around used games but as I said before, I have not had a single problem with they're used games.
This system is one of the things that I love about GameFly. Personally, I've only used it once but it worked great that one time. This is how it works. When you rent a game from them that you love and you just can't get enough of it and you decide to buy it from them, You go to your GameQ and click "Keep". They then send you not only your next game from your Q, but the actual case and instruction for that game. They don't send a black case with cartoon characters on it either like some places would/do *cough cough GAMESTOP cough*. With the discounts from the rewards and the prices being less then some over rated used stores in the first place *cough cough GAMESTOP cough* it is much better than buying them somehwere else.
So thats all I have to say about this. Of course, you could have looked at their FAQ instead but it's cool that you came here (their FAQ is actually a really damn good system btw) instead. Obviously I recommend Gamefly over other things *cough cough GAMESTOP cough* but I won't say it doesnt have.... a negative. And that is depending on where you live, they may not have a shipping center close enough to get the games to you as fast as you like. This however, maybe counter acted by the fast return system mentioned above.
Thanks for reading,
10 Unscratched Discs out of 10
Oh yeah, did I mention I despise Gamestop?
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