Clockwork Angels by Rush
Released June 12, 2012
Label: Roadrunner
I have not been able to listen to Rush's Moving Pictures EP and not see Paul Rudd and Jason Segel jumping around badly miming Giddy Lee and Alex Lifeson so when I heard a new Rush album was coming out I was eager to hear. One of the most celebrated rock bands of all time puts together another album here and they deliver. Let me say first that if you don't like Rush this won't be for you. They haven't changed over the course of 15+ studio albums previous and you really shouldn't expect them to change now. With that being said I think that this is probably Rush's best work in..... well ever. These guys have been together for 30+ years and they have the same unique style that they've kept the whole time. I admit I was a bit skeptical because of the hype surrounding this album but I was thoroughly impressed by it. They buckle down and focus on musical focus and some great lyrics here written.
Notable Tracks:
Track Seven: Seven Cities of Gold
It's damn catchy and the intro is killer.
Track Eight: The Wreckers
Classic Rush in the style of the Moving Pictures EP but even better in my opinion.
Track Ten: Wish Them Well
Track Twelve: The Garden
They end the album with a good song.
Track List
1. Caravans
2. BU2B
3. Clockwork Angels
4. The Anarchist
5. Carnies
6. Halo Effect
7. Seven Cities of Gold*
8. The Wreckers*
9. Headlong Flight
10. BU2B2
11. Wish Them Well*
12. The Garden*
7 living rock legends out of 10
I did this one a little bit different and I just singled out the really good tracks as opposed to running through the entire album and giving thoughts on most of them. Yeah, less on each review but just a good bass line doesn't make the track good (maybe worth a listen by a fellow bassist such as me, but that's besides the point). I would also single out really bad tracks but there are none of them here to be had. That's all.
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