So I'm sure you read Blue's review of Dark Knight Rises first and probably don't give two shits about any other movie so I'm not gonna talk about a movie today. That's right I'm not doing a movie. You wanna bitch about it? Fucking go ahead.
So you read the name of this post lot of you are probably like wtf is this Payday shit Green? I ain't never heard of it. Why is it I always assume you get instantly pissed off if I mention something you may not have heard of? I'm not really sure either.
So PAYDAY: The Heist is a first person shooter. I know right now a lot of you just shit yourselves at that level of innovation. WHAT!??! You mean I get to like, look through the eyes of a guy with a gun and shoot people??? GREATEST FUCKING GAME EVAR!!!! Ya see what I did there? I joked that there wasn't ten trillion fps games released like every fucking year. Ever since fucking Doom game company execs have be shouting about money their competitors made with fps games and how they want the money to buy another car. And now we have call of duty released every fucking year, I think two of them this year in fact. Halo isn't allowed to die. Medal of honor will doubtlessly be shitting out another game soon enough. And there's battlefield and ya know like, every game at E3. Anyway back to wtf I was actually talking about.
PAYDAY: The Heist fps. The simplest way I can explain it is to say it's basically what you would get if Left for dead and call of duty had a baby in which the principle objective was to rob bitches and shoot cops. It takes four player co-op and attempts to emphasize helping out your fellow guys. You play four criminals; Dallas, the pseudo-leader, Hoxton, suave English mother fucker and my personal favorite, Wolf, Bald no-bullshit badass, And Chains, the black guy who had to be there so nobody calls them racist.
The game can be purchased through Steam for $20 (Though I got it on sale for $5. Thank you summer sale.). Currently it has six missions available, or seven if you have Left for dead 2 through Steam casue that will get you the mercy hosptial based level and a set of zombie masks to match.
So is it good? Yeah I like it, I sure as hell got my $5 out of it and I'm probably gonna get the upcoming dlc that will add new guns gear and levels that they announced. But is it worth $20? I would say if you have at least one buddy who either already has it or would be willing to get it and play with you then yeah. It is very co-op based so you're gonna have more fun doing this with you buddies than with the AI or randoms online.
And to those of you who like computer games and said "wtf is Steam?" I don't have words. Figure it the fuck out cause Steam is amazing.
8.5 perfectly executed robberies out of 10
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