Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cool stuff is happening

So as you are all now well aware we have changed our name. Tech Talk is no more and from this point on we shall be refereed to as Colored Media. Hopefully you all made it here from Tech Talk okay, I know the name change ruined my bookmark, so hopefully that didn't cause you guys (And gals, that's right we're not sexist here. We love ya ladies.) any troubles.

so in addition to our new name Blue told me something else  cool about the blog this week. We've reached 500 pageviews. and I'm sure some of you are probably thinking "500 views? That's nothing. I piss 500 views a day." Well to you sir, I have two things to say. One: Your anatomy is highly confusing and I don't understand it but I'm gonna recommend you see a doctor, cause that does not sound healthy. And everyone has to start somewhere. So when this blog was 500,000 views, you'll be able to tell everyone you know that you were reading Colored Media before it was cool.

So thank you guys and if you like what we do, stick around cause we haven't any plans to stop.

And that bastard Blue took my idea! I was gonna do a week of updates. Mine will be next week though. But Wednesday and Friday you can still expect to see content from me.

I think that's everything.

 - Green

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